Well, we don’t really need music to actually survive. It’s not a need, like food and water; shelter and warmth. But what would the world be like without music?
I would like to think that it would be a very dull place indeed! Music is a part of our lives, whether we realise it or not. At least once a day we will most likely hear or make music. Whether we turn on the radio, or whether we hum a tune in the shower; music is everywhere. But it’s not all plain sailing when it comes to music. Here are some of the possible downsides to music.
Certain styles of music have been known in the past to breed aggressive thoughts and behaviour – especially when it comes to the lyrics, and for me, generally spread the wrong behaviour. I personally think that any music that contains lyrics about violence, gangs, killing, drugs etc, are just tainting society as well as the music industry. Gangster rap and R & B may be a huge multi billion dollar industry, and is listened to all over the world, but I think the world would be a much better place without it. Some people may just regard it as music, and not look too much into it which is fine. But there are certain people out there that are influenced by this music, and not in a good way. I’m not saying that this style of music is the main cause for gangs and violence, but it certainly doesn’t help.
So there is clearly a dark side to music that can bring out the worst in us. However, there is a good side to music…
Music can be an amazing stress relief. If you’ve had a bad day at work and you want to relax, then music can be just what you need to wind down. Or even at the start of a day when you are driving to work, or catching the bus – it can be a great way to wake you up and get ready for the day ahead.
Music can also be an essential part to a night out. Whether you are going for a quiet pint down the pub and just want some background music, or whether you fancy a boogie on the dance floor to the early hours of the morning.
It can also be your livelihood! You could be a musician playing in a band, or a music teacher. Or even a rock star making millions of pound. So music may be your main source of income and a way to provide for your family.
Finally, it could be a means of inspiration. Whether to an individual, a group of people, an entire town or city, a country, or even the whole world! This may sound a little crazy, but just one song could change the world. The way we live our lives today can be heavily influenced by music. Music can affect the way we speak, the way we dance, what we eat, how we act, what we see as right and wrong…
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