Fats Domino goes down in history as one of the greatest rock and roll pianists of all time, and if you’ve admired his style of playing for as many years as I have then you’ll obviously be keen to learn how to play those amazing rock and roll left hands that Fats Domino made his own.
So grab yourself a keyboard or piano, and get ready to amaze your friends with this awesome left hand…
Let’s start with the basics
Rock and roll, blues and boogie woogie is often played in 4/4 time. This means there are 4 beats per bar, and you’ll typically play a total of 12 bars. You may have heard someone say the term ’12-bar blues’ – and if you’d like more information on this, please go to –
12 bar blues chords for piano
The secret to playing piano blues with only 3 chords
How to play an amazing left hand like Fats Domino
Now that you’re familiar with the 12 bar blues progression, let’s take a look at the notes we are going to play –
And here’s how it sounds –
Which fingers do I use?
In order to play this correctly you would need to use the following fingers –
C – 5
C – 1
E – 3
G – 2
E – 3
G – 2
So from the above we can see that we span an octave between two Cs using our little finger and thumb. Then when we play the Es and Gs we use our middle and forefinger. You could also consider using the fourth finger for the E, as this is sometimes easier to stretch depending on your hand size.
Here is a picture showing where the keys are on the piano or keyboard. I have also marked the location of middle C so you can navigate your way to the correct notes. The finger numbers are underneath each.
Here is the complete 12 bar
And here’s how it sounds –
I’ve always wanted to play rock and roll piano – how easy is it?
If you’ve always had the desire to play rock and roll piano, boogie woogie and blues – then now’s the time!
Like me you have probably spent many hours scouring Youtube to find piano tutorials revealing the secrets of how to play like Fats Domino, Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jools Holland, and so on. More often than not you will come across a video with poor quality, or that is played too fast with little explanation – this sound familiar?
It’s very hard to find decent piano blues tutorials online, and that’s why I decided to create my own video tutorials which also include sheet music and handy notes. For more information – see below.
Learn to play piano blues online with me
My online blues course teaches blues piano from scratch and builds your ability in a modular way. As you progress through the course, you’ll learn left hands, right hands, bridges and endings which you’ll use together to make your own blues piano compositions. I’ll show you the blues scale early on, giving you everything you need to start improvising – and we’ll progress to advanced licks and an impressive tutorial song to consolidate your new skills. Finally, we’ll move onto some popular blues songs, including music by the great Jerry Lee Lewis and my own personal favourite, Ray Charles.
I charge just £19.99 for 6 full months access, with 58 videos and counting – that’s less than the cost of a single piano lesson! – and I offer a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee.
D ont u teach right hand too?
Hi Darrell, yes I do. You will need to sign up and subscribe to the full video course for further tutorials and lots more!